If companies could compensate for the time spent in unproductive meetings, which is about 50% of all time, employee productivity would be much higher. And it’s not just about her but also motivation. Employees who participate in meetings where they feel useless are demotivated and unwilling to participate in other similar discussions.

Board portals, which optimize your meetings with colleagues, help to cope with this problem. So what are the advantages of board portals?


The use of mobile devices is becoming more and more popular, and so are the demands of users. They want to use personal devices. Users need to know that they can communicate and collaborate remotely in virtually any setting, regardless of technology, distance, or environment.

On average, one out of five working days is spent on meetings – managers say – In 70% of cases, these are video conferences; the rest of the time falls on discussions on the road while driving.

Good sound

The importance of sound quality when it comes to virtual meetings cannot be underestimated. In large spaces, there is a tendency to conduct negotiations on speakerphones, but it is impossible to understand what is being said when they are used in virtual meetings. In addition, background noise that accompanies the speaker can disrupt the meeting. If the participants did not understand each other, then their level of dissatisfaction will be inversely proportional to their level of productivity. A misunderstanding can also lead to the breakdown of an important agreement.


Video conferencing is becoming increasingly common and is an indispensable tool for bringing people together. With their help, you can see the interlocutor and interact with each other without visible barriers. Video conferencing is used everywhere: for online interviews, foreign language courses, webinars, and workshops.


Cloud storage is ideal for sharing data and information. Sharing from any device makes this service indispensable, for example, for those on a business trip or practicing a mobile and remote work style.


It is important to remember that a large percentage of the success of the meeting lies in its proper organization. Problems can often arise at the planning stage, so do not forget the preparation. Board portals help in the following aspects of the organization:

Inform all participants at least a couple of days in advance so that they can build their schedule by it

Make sure all participants can attend. If someone can’t, let the others know; maybe it will help them decide whether to participate and save their time.

Make minutes of the meeting – write down the main points and agreements on deadlines.

Perhaps the meeting can be avoided if the issues are not worth discussing. To find out the opinions of all participants in the proposed arrangement, you can make a mailing list or a survey and collect ideas in absentia.