One of the most difficult stages in preparing and organizing a meeting in a company is the preparation of minutes. This process takes a lot of time and requires the most accurate recording of the progress of the meeting. This article will tell you how to draw up the meeting minutes properly.

Minutes of the meeting: sample how to fill in the sections

Many organizations consider it mandatory to take minutes of a meeting or meeting. At the same time, this responsibility falls on the shoulders of the secretary and requires certain skills. Therefore, the preparation of the minutes of the meeting should begin a few days before the event itself. This document is drawn up on a protocol form, a standard form, or on a regular A4 sheet.

Any protocol, regardless of the type of event, consists of three parts:

  • Header.
  • Basic.
  • Decorating.

The heading of the protocol is located in the upper right corner of the first sheet or at the top, in the center. The list of details in the header includes the name of the organization, the name of the document, the date of the document, its registration number, and the place of compilation (publication) of the business paper.

The date of the meeting is considered the date of the minutes. It can be issued in two ways: digitally, for example, on 04/11/2021; alphanumeric – April 11, 2021. If the meeting or meeting was held for several days, you must specify the date of the minutes as a period, say, 11.04-15.04.2021.

The body of the document begins with a heading. It contains the document’s name (PROTOCOL) and includes collegial bodies. For example, if an expert commission held the meeting, the header will be: “MINUTES of the meeting of the expert commission.” Remember: the words that follow after the document’s title should answer the question “what?”.

What are the meeting minutes?

The minutes of the meetings, depending on the amount of information can be complete or short. It depends on what issues were discussed at the conference and how deeply the management team delved into their consideration.

The main part of the full protocol must be divided into introductory and main, which contain different blocks of information. In particular, it is here that all the participants in this meeting are mentioned.

How to facilitate the work of writing protocols?

You just need to use the board portal to write protocols faster and more accurately. This is special software that is used by the boards of companies. Here, all participants can mark their opinions during meetings, vote, and even sign documents electronically.

The peculiarity is that the meeting protocol in the board portal is generated automatically – the program analyzes the data entered during the session and generates a document.